Opposite the square end of the tool, it is threaded to remove the valve guide. They send a tool that is square on one end that allows you to remove the retainer for the valve body. The spring and hammer are under a little pressure but not too much, in any case remove these parts. Next remove the trigger/safety (don't loose the detent ball for the safety) and rear retaining cap. Then remove the two roll pins that hold the muzzle cap inplace and bring the piston/rod back far enough to line up the pump handle pin with the lower muzzle cap hole and remove that pin.

Start by removing the stock screw and stock.

After ordering an RWS 34 to play with I came across a rebuild kit from Pyramyd air that cost about $28 including the special tool to take them apart (I was quoted $100 to rebuild it years ago). 22 cal air rifle when I was 11 but it has been dead for years due to worn out parts. The first gun given to me was a Benjamin.